We are often questioned about how to properly measure lapel pins. People often ask how do I know what size pin I want? Well, in this post I will talk about how lapel pins are measured and help you make a better informed decision if you are designing you own lapel pin or thinking about a custom lapel pin in the future.
Finding a Lapel Pin Size
Ok, a lapel pin is measured on the longest side. Now this get’s slightly confusing. It is not measured diagonally like a computer monitor or television set, instead the easiest way to measure a lapel pin is like this. Draw a square or rectangle around your pin. Then measure the longest side. That is the size of your pin. Remember it must be a square or a rectangle, and that will give you the right size. See our sizing chart for a few examples.
How To Properly Measure Lapel Pins
- Draw or imagine a box around a lapel pin
- Measure straight across from longest plane to longest plane
- Do not measure on a diagonal
- Can be measured in inches or millimeters
I recently had a customer who wanted a 2 ½ inch pin. When I explained the sizing chart, he immediately said, ”Whoa! That is way too big for what we are looking for, maybe an 1 ½ is more our speed.” After this simple explanation he ordered the size pin that he truly wanted and would have been very dissatisfied with the 2 ½ inch design for his project.

The longest side is used as the size of the lapel pin
In the example above, you would use the larger number on the X or Y axis, or height or width. So in this case this would be a 1 1/4 inch lapel pin.
I hope this explains how to properly measure lapel pins!